About Me

About Me

I’m not even sure where to start. My Keto Story has been a long journey, and It wasn’t easy to get the hang of things, but I thank god for what I know today.

My name is Alexander Onuoha, and I’m from Houston, Texas. I’m in the best shape of my life in my 30s, and I couldn’t be any happier. I’ve had stints in my younger years that I would lose weight, gain weight, and repeat the vicious cycle.

The times I’ve lost the most weight was in my early 20s, and that was because I worked out a ton. I also ate foods that weren’t sustainable to my lifestyle. Let me elaborate on that because it’s essential to any weight loss journey. Also, this is entirely just my opinion; I understand everyone is different. I felt that eating in my early 20s wasn’t sustainable because I was eating bland healthy foods. I know I sound like a spoiled brat, but I’m being honest.

I attended Texas Tech University in 2012, and my experience there was excellent. A lot of influence surrounded me, that’s for sure. My time at Texas Tech University brought light to how healthy I wanted to be. The road wasn’t always smooth when running into people who didn’t share that same light with you.

Fending off people of lousy influence was a task in itself. The people in your life would insist you have a soda to drink or a pizza. I’m not saying that someone offering those items is the wrong person. Being surrounded by people who eat like that daily could affect your weight loss views.

I had a lot of weight loss distractions and ultimately lost myself. It was sad because I was unaware of how deep I dug myself in. I didn’t fully understand how to lose weight and KEEP the weight off for many years. That’s when I decided to really look into my health Issues.

I noticed I would exercise a lot but never reap the results of so many hours put in 5 days a week. I would jog for miles killing myself literally and still not fully seeing the big picture. I thought I was eating healthy, so what was wrong?

I decided to see my Doctor and find out my blood sugar was too high. I was told I was at risk for diabetes. That news in itself was terrifying. My Doctor told me I needed to focus on eating foods to control my blood sugar. That’s when I met my friend “KETO.”

I saw a drastic change in my health. The inflammation reduced significantly, my lungs could take deeper breaths, and I felt more alive. I understand that keto isn’t for everyone, and I know that it’s not the only weight loss solution.

Keto has saved my life, and If you’re on this journey with me or thinking about getting started? Keep pushing along this new lifestyle because this is not a diet but a new way of life!

If you’ve made it this far into the article, I want to thank you for stopping by! I’ll answer any keto-related questions you may have. I respond to all comments!

Thanks again for listening to My Keto Story

Have a wonderful day.

January 2021 250lbs

August 11th 2021 190lbs

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