Ultimate Keto Breakfast Burger

Ultimate Keto Breakfast Burger

This is indeed the ultimate keto breakfast burger perfect for brunch. I can remember so many times when I would wake up in the morning, and it would be noon. My cravings would play all sorts of tricks with me.

I would ask myself, “Do I want breakfast or do I want lunch?” The only problem for me in that situation was what exactly could I eat while following my keto lifestyle? That’s when It hit me like a ton of bricks. The Ultimate keto breakfast burger was created.

The warm egg mixed with a 1/2 beef & 1/2 sausage patty topped with bacon and guacamole was a dream come true. My ketogenic lifestyle has been such an exciting journey. Find yourself a delicious low-carb keto bread to make your keto life a lot easier.

This recipe is unique because I’ve never tasted anything like it before. This recipe is yours now, and I’m very excited to share it with the world! Remember your keto journey is a lifestyle and not a diet.

Keto Breakfast Burger

You’re here for the long term, and so much is yet to come in your quest for a better, healthier you. If you love burgers like me, then your keto journey has just become much easier to walk through.

When choosing your meats to get make into the habit of reading labels. This is a great practice to look for harmful nitrates and preservatives that could be harmful to your gut health.

Thrive Market has been a great help when looking for fresh, high-quality ingredients at my convenience. Give them a look if you have trouble finding fresh Ingredients.

As always, I hope you enjoy my recipe. Leave a comment below and let me know your experience! God Bless.

Keto Breakfast Burger

Ultimate Keto Breakfast Burger

KeToMi Papi
Who said having a burger for breakfast was wrong? Not to mention a Keto Breakfast Burger? When I took my first bite of this burger, my mouth exploded with flavor. This recipe was straightforward to make and very satisfying.
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 2 people


  • 1/2 Pound Ground Beef
  • 1/2 Pound Pork Sausage
  • 2 Keto Buns
  • 1 Slice Cheese
  • 2 strips Uncured Bacon

Guacamole Ingredients

Burger Sauce


  • Preheat Skillet to medium-low heat.
  • In a bowl, combine your ground beef & pork sausage. Thoroughly mix, and set aside.
  • Fully Cook Uncured Bacon and set aside for later use.
  • Cut & Peel 1 Avocado and place into a separate bowl.
  • Dice your cilantro & fresh jalapeños and place them into the same bowl as avocado.
  • In the same bowl, squeeze lemon juice.
  • Season with salt, garlic powder, and onion powder.
  • Mix all the ingredients well and taste for seasoning. Set aside for later use.
  • Form your Beef & Sausage mix patties.
  • At this time, toast your keto buns.
  • In a frying pan, thoroughly cook your egg to your liking and set it aside for assembly.
  • In a medium-hot skillet, place your patties down and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side.
  • Once patties are fully cooked, remove from heat, and add your slice of cheese along with bacon slices.
  • Assemble your Burger to your liking
  • Time to enjoy!

Burger Sauce Instructions

  • Add all the ingredients into one bowl and stir to even consistency—taste for additional seasoning.
Keyword Keto Breakfast burger, Keto Burger, Low Carb Burger
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!